Both games launched on service on Friday

Nintendo announced that it has added the Donkey Kong (also known as Donkey Kong’94) and Mario’s Picross Game Boy games to the Nintendo Switch Online library on Friday.

Nintendo released Donkey Kong, a sequel to the original 1981 arcade game, for Game Boy in June 1994.

The series continued with the Mario vs. Donkey Kong game, which had a remake for Nintendo Switch in February 2024. The original game debuted on Game Boy Advance in 2004. It was an entry into a new series inspired by the original 1981 Donkey Kong arcade game and the 1994 Game Boy sequel of the same name.該系列的其他遊戲包括Mario vs. Donkey Kong:Nintendo DS和Mini Mario和朋友的Minis:Nintendo Wii U和3DS的Amiibo挑戰。

Nintendo發行了Jupiter和Ape Inc.的Mario Mario的Mario Mario的Picross,for Mario for Mario for Game Boy for 1995年3月美國的Nintendo Switch在2020年9月在線。
