Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest 122-р бүлэг Гарсан огноо, Манга онлайнаар уншина уу

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest 122-р бүлэг Гаргасан огноо Зарим мэдээллээр, Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest-ийн 122-р бүлэг 2022 оны 12-р сарын 07-ны өдөр нээлтээ хийнэ. Цуврал нь шүтэн бишрэгчдийнхээ дунд маш их сонирхол, хүлээлт үүсгэсэн. Мөн Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest 122-р бүлэг хугацаанаасаа өмнө гарах боломжтой, […]

Малком: Фэнүүд саран дээр байх болно. Гол дүрийн жүжигчин

Малкомын шүтлэгийн цуврал үнэхээр дууссан уу? Гол дүрийн жүжигчин Фрэнки Муниз хөшигний ард ямар нэгэн зүйл өрнөж байгааг сануулж байна… Малкомын шүтлэгтэй цуврал үнэхээр дууссан уу? Гол дүрийн жүжигчин Фрэнки Муниз тайзны ард ямар нэгэн зүйл болж байгааг сануулж байна… “Чи одоо миний босс биш, бас тийм ч том биш. Амьдрал бол шударга бус…” үгс […]

Mob Psycho 3-р улирал 5-р анги гарах огноо, хаанаас үзэх вэ?

Mob Psycho 3-р улирал 5-р анги Гарсан огноо Mob Psycho 3-р улирал 5-р анги гарах огноо 2022 оны 11-р сарын 02-ны Лхагва гараг. Та анимэ мангагийн тухай эндээс уншиж болно, манай вэбсайтыг хавчуургад оруулаад буцаж ирэхэд хялбар байх ба нээлтийн огноо өөрчлөгдсөн тохиолдолд шинэчлэгдсэн нийтлэлийг уншина уу. Mob Psycho 3-р улирал 5-ыг цацах болно […]

Halloween-ийн үеэр үзэх шилдэг 10 анимэ [Шинэчилсэн шилдэг зөвлөмжүүд]

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Та 10-р сар эхлэхэд жилийн хэдэн цаг болдгийг мэдэх үү? Мэдээжийн хэрэг Halloween! Halloween бол аймшигтай, аймшигтай бүх зүйлийн улирал бөгөөд бид Honey’s Anime-д баяртай байдаг (бидний зарим нь бас айдаг!). Гэхдээ ийм хашгираан, чөтгөрийн инээд, мөрний ард ямар нэгэн зүйл мэдрэгдэж байх үед анимэ бидний шинэ зөвлөмжийн жагсаалтаар өдрийг авардаг. Хэрэв та энэ аймшигт сард юу үзэхээ мэдэхгүй байгаа бол бид танд ирлээ! Хэллоуины баяраар сүнс, цус сорогч болон бусад чөтгөрүүдтэй хамт байх арван анимэ энд байна! Анхааруулга, энэ жагсаалт нь сул дорой хүмүүст зориулагдаагүй болно!

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10. Гаккоугураши! (School-Live!)

[sourceLink asin=”B06X9JP35Q”asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=””text=””url=””] [Мэдээллийн цувралууд=”12″цацагдсан=”2015 оны 7-р сараас 2015 оны 9-р сар.”post_id=””]

Сургуулийн шууд дамжуулалт! Сургуульдаа маш их хайртай, хэзээ ч явахыг хүсдэггүй Юки Таекагийн түүх юм! Мегуригаока хувийн ахлах сургууль бол Юки ахлах сургуулийн 3-р курсын сурагч, Сургуулийн Амьдрах Клубын гишүүн байхдаа хайхрамжгүй амьдралаар зугаацдаг өвөрмөц газар юм. Тус клуб нь ерөнхийлөгч Юури Вакаса, хөнгөн атлетик Куруми Эбисузава, насанд хүрсэн бага насны Мики Наоки, ахлах багш Мегуми Сакура, клубын нохой Тарумару нарын гишүүдтэй хамт сургуулийнхаа амьдралыг дээд зэргээр бүтээж байгаагаараа бахархдаг. Гэхдээ нэг онцлог зүйл бол гишүүд унтахаас эхлээд хоол идэх хүртэл сургуулийнхаа талбай дээр амьдрах ёстой. Нар жаргасны дараа тэд сургуульд юу үзэх вэ? Сургууль-Шууд! Энэ нь маш өхөөрдөм эхэлж, эхлээд харахад амьдралын нэг хэсэг мэт санагдах боловч та үүнийг даван туулах замдаа явахад бэлэн байна. Бид муудахыг хүсэхгүй байна, гэхдээ энэ анимэ нь харагдаж байгаагаас яг эсрэгээрээ юм. Мое (хөөрхөн байдал)-аас эхлээд ширүүн аймшгийн элементүүд хүртэл анимэ нь амьдралын хэсэгчилсэн болон аймшгийн төрөлд дуртай хүн бүрийн баяр баясгалан юм. Энэ анимэ нь Honey’s Anime дээр биднийг гайхшруулсан бөгөөд та ч бас тийм байх болно гэж бид бодож байна!

9. Жүжүцү Кайсен

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=”TBR-31024D”text=””url=””] [Мэдээллийн анги=”24″цацагдсан=””2020 оны 10-р сар-2021 оны 3-р сар”post_id=””]

Итадори Юүжи бол оюутны хотхоны хөнгөн атлетикийн тэнхимээс хол байхыг хүссэн учраас кампус дахь ид шидийн клубын нэг хэсэг болсон таны дундаж залуу юм. Гэвч Итадори хатсан хуруугаа хулгайлахдаа дэлхий дээрх хамгийн агуу хараалуудын нэг болох Рюумен Сукунаг тайлах нь гарцаагүй. Итадори хуруугаа хулгайлах гэж гэнэт гарч ирсэн мангасуудаас найзуудаа хамгаалахын тулд хуруугаа залгиж, Сукунагийн хүчийг олж авснаар хараалыг ялан дийлнэ. Хэдийгээр Итадори Сукунаг өөрийн биен дотор удирдаж, хязгаарлаж чаддаг ч Жюү-жүцүгийн шидтэн ертөнц Итадориг нэг дор арилгах ёстой өндөр түвшний аюултай хараал гэж үздэг. Гэсэн хэдий ч түүнд өөр хувилбар санал болгож буй Сатору Гожоугийн удирдлаган дор Итадори дэлхийг амьдрахад аюулгүй газар болгохын төлөө шидтэнгүүд болон хараалуудын хоорондох эртний тэмцэлд нэгдэв. Хэрэв та Жүжүцү Кайсений талаар сонсоогүй бол та”хадны дор амьдардаг байх. Жюүжүцү Кайсен нь бидний амьдарч буй ертөнцийг Хараал байдаг харанхуй, харгис ертөнцтэй хослуулсан. Бүх хүмүүс тэднийг харж чаддаггүй бөгөөд заримдаа үзэхэд аймшигтай байдаг. Манай гол дүр болон түүний найзууд дэлхийг илүү сайхан болгохын тулд эдгээр хараалыг хүлээж байгааг харах нь цаасан дээр үнэхээр гайхалтай мэт сонсогддог ч энэ оролдлого нь үнэхээр хэцүү гэдгийг тэд анзаардаггүй.

8. Shadows House

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=”ANZX-13255″text=””url=””] [Мэдээллийн ангиуд=”13″цацагдсан=””2021 оны 4-р сар-2021 оны 7 сар”post_id=””]

Сүүдэрүүд нь догдолж байх үедээ тортог ялгаруулдаг тас хар төрхөөрөө онцлогтой, хүмүүсээс зайдуу асар том харшид амьдардаг язгууртны гэр бүл юм. Сүүдрийн хүүхэд насанд хүрсэн хойноо түүнд амьд хүүхэлдэй бэлэглэдэг бөгөөд энэ нь зөвхөн тэдний үйлчлэгч төдийгүй хоёр дахь хагасын үүрэг гүйцэтгэж, эзнийхээ төлөө сэтгэл хөдлөлөө илэрхийлдэг. Эмилико бол намуухан Кейтэд томилогдсон хөгжилтэй, шинээр бүтээсэн хүүхэлдэй юм. Тэдний нөхөрлөл зан чанарын ялгааг үл харгалзан хөгжиж байгаа тул Эмилико хүүхэлдэй болох зорилгоо болон Сүүдрийн ордонд ямар гүн гүнзгий нууцуудыг агуулж байгааг сонирхохоос өөр аргагүй. Shadows House бол амьдралын хэсэгчилсэн элементүүдийг харанхуй, нууцлаг нууцтай хольсон аймшигт анимэ юм. Энэхүү анимэ нь Shadows House-д юу болж байгаагийн нууцыг дагадаг бөгөөд та анимэ дуусахад гайхах болно. Хэрэв аймшгийн сэдэвтэй анимэ үзэх чадвар тийм ч өндөр биш бол энэ нь танд айдас, тайвшралыг өгөх нэг анимэ юм. (Энэ нь аймшигт анимэгийн хувьд анхных биш гэж үү?)

7. Өөр нэг

[sourceLink asin=”B00C3JUGZA”asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=””text=””url=””] [Мэдээлэл episodes=”12″aired=”2012 оны 1-р сар-2012 оны 3-р сар”post_id=””]

1972 онд Хойд Ёмиямагийн ахлах сургуулийн 3-3-р ангийн Мисаки хэмээх алдартай сурагч хичээлийн жилд нас баржээ. Тэр цагаас хойш хот доторх харанхуй нууцын улмаас аймшигт уур амьсгалд бүрхэгдсэн байв. Хорин зургаан жилийн дараа 15 настай Коучи Сакакибара 3-3-аар Хойд Йомияма руу шилжиж, удалгүй бүх оюутнуудыг бүрхэж буй гунигтай уур амьсгалыг ойлгов. Хүн бүр үл тоомсорлож, холддог мэт нүдний шилтэй энэ охиныг анзаарсан Коучи удалгүй сониучирхав. Нүдний наалттай охиныг оролцуулаад бүх хүмүүс Коучид түүнээс хол байхыг сануулсан ч Коучи бууж өгсөнгүй. Коучи удалгүй 3-3-р ангийнхныг зовоож буй аймшигт үзэгдлийн талаар болон нүдний наалттай охин үнэхээр хэн болохыг олж мэдэв. Өөр нэг нь сонгодог аймшгийн анимэ бөгөөд энэ зөвлөмжийн жагсаалт байхгүй бол бүрэн гүйцэд биш байх болно. Энэ анимэ нь таныг суудлынхаа ирмэг дээр байлгахын тулд маш их аймшигтай уур амьсгал, нууцлаг байдал, аймшгийг агуулсан байдаг. Хөдөлгөөнт дүрс нь маш аймшигтай бөгөөд үүнийг үзсэн хүн бүрийн сэтгэл санааг анхнаасаа бий болгодог! Энэ бол цаг хугацааны шалгуурыг давсан нэг сонгодог аймшгийн анимэ юм.

6. Сатсурику но Тэнши (Үхлийн сахиусан тэнгэрүүд)

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=”KAXA-7648″text=””url=””] [Мэдээлэл episodes=”16″цацагдсан=”2018 оны 7-р сар-2018 оны 10 сар”post_id=””]

Үхсэн, амьгүй нүдтэй Рэйчел Гарднер зөвхөн үхэхийг л хүсдэг. Гэвч хонгилд сэрэхэд тэр хаана байгаа, яаж тэнд очсоноо мэдэхгүй. Тэрээр зугтахыг оролдож буй Зак хэмээх боолттой алуурчинтай уулздаг. Зак тэднийг тэндээс гарахдаа түүнийг ална гэж амлаж, хамтдаа давхраас шал хүртэл замдаа саад бэрхшээлийг даван туулдаг. Гэхдээ уулзсан хүн бүр Рэйчелтэй ямар нэгэн байдлаар холбоотой байх үед энэ барилга юу вэ, яагаад энэ бүх хүмүүс түүнд танил юм шиг санагддаг вэ гэсэн асуулт гарч ирдэг. Рэйчел, Зак хоёр хоёулаа хүсэлдээ хүрэх болов уу? Үхлийн сахиусан тэнгэрүүд аймшигт эмнэлгийн байранд өрнөж, эмнэлэгт хэвтэж байгаа хүн бүр л ялж, амьд гарч ирэх тоглоомонд ордог. Хүн бүр бие биенийхээ төлөө тэмцэж байгаа тул энэхүү анимэ нь Зак, Рэйчел хоёрын нөхөрлөлийн хамт олон эрчилсэн хар дарсан зүүдийг даван туулахын тулд тэднийг зоригжуулж байна.

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5. Shinsekai yori (Шинэ ертөнцөөс)

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=””text=”sentai”url=””] [Мэдээллийн ангиуд=”24″цацагдсан=”2012 оны 9-р сар-2013 оны 3-р сар”post_id=””]

66 настай Камису хотод 12 настай Саки Ватанабе өөрийн сэтгэцийн чадвараараа дөнгөж сэржээ. Өөрийн дотны найзууд болох зальтай Сатору Асахина, ичимхий Мамору Итоу, хөгжилтэй Мария Акизүки, Сакигийн биширдэг нууцлаг хүү Шун Аонума нартай Сэйж Академид зөн билэгчдийн тусгай сургуульд элссэнээр тайвширдаг. Гэсэн хэдий ч сэтгэцийн хүчээрээ сэрдэггүй хүүхдүүдэд юу тохиолдохыг олж мэдээд хүүхдүүд удалгүй хүүхдүүдийг хулгайлсан муурны тухай цуу ярианы нууцад орсноор агаарт ямар нэгэн эвгүй зүйл бий. Утопи гэж эхэлсэн зүйл саяхан илүү харгис зүйл болж хувирав. From the New World бол эхний ангиасаа л та бүхний сэтгэлийг татахуйц сэтгэл зүйн триллер анимэ юм. Энэ шинэ утопик нийгэмд аажмаар дасч, хатуу дүрэм журмын дагуу нэг хэсэг болсон хүүхдүүдтэй анхнаасаа хамт байна. Үйл явдлын өрнөл олон эргэлттэй байх тул бид бүлэглэл нь утопи гэгддэг нийгэмд өсөж торниж буй үймээн самуун, тэмцлийг харж байна!

4. Дорохедоро

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=”TBR-29398D”text=””url=””] [Мэдээллийн ангиуд=”12″цацагдсан=”2020 оны 1-р сар-2020 оны 3-р сар”post_id=””]

Дорохедоро бол Нүх гэж нэрлэгдэх тохиромжтой газар болох үйл явдал юм: Хүчтэй олз нь сул дорой нэгнийг барьж, үхэл өдөр тутам тохиолддог газар юм. Ид шидтэнгүүд тэнд амьдарч буй хүмүүсийг ноёрхох туршилтын талбар болгон ашиглаж, хүссэн үедээ Нүхэнд очиж, буцаж чаддаг тул энэ бол хууль, ёс зүйгээс тусдаа орон юм. Ид шидтэй хэрэглэгчид тэднийг спортод зориулагдсан шавж гэж боддог тул хэзээ идэгдэхээ мэдэхгүй байгаа оршин суугчдын зүрх сэтгэлд айдас төрдөг. Үүний үр дүнд Hole-ийн эмнэлэг хүчгүй болжээ. Ид шидийн хэрэглэгчид сул дорой хүмүүсийг олзлогддог тул Нүхэнд тэднийг даван туулж чадах цөөхөн хүн бий. Ийм хүмүүсийн нэг бол хүнээс илүү хэвлээр явагч Кайман юм. Найдвартай жад, ид шидийн дархлаагаараа Кайман зарим хариултыг авахын тулд бодлогогүй ан хийхээр явна. Түүний бүдүүлэг дүр төрх, хар дарсан зүүдэнд нь хараагдсан ид шидийн хэрэглэгчид нь түүний энгийн амьдралаар амьдрах цорын ганц сэжүүр юм. Найдвартай найз Никайдогийн хамт Кайман нууцын ёроолд хүрч, Нүхнээс нэг удаа гарахаар төлөвлөж байна. Dorohedoro бол ядаргаатай хүмүүст тохирохгүй нь гарцаагүй. Дорохедоро өөрийн гэсэн тамын хийцээрээ өөрчилсөн ширүүн ертөнцөд өрнөж, инээдмийн болон хөнгөмсөг байдлыг үхэл, аллагатай төгс хослуулж чаддаг. Хоулын оршин суугчдын амьдрал болон үйл явдалд маш олон эргэлт, эргэлтүүд байдаг тул хүүхэлдэйн кино, өгүүллэг нь ховдог, амархан хямардаг хүмүүст биш харин харгислал, хүчирхийлэлд дуртай хэн бүхэнд зориулагдсан юм.

3. Якусоку но Неверланд (Амласан Хэзээ ч байхгүй)

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=”ANZB-14364″text=””url=””] [Мэдээллийн цувралууд=”12″цацагдсан=”2019 оны 1-р сараас 2019 оны 3-р сар”post_id=””]

Өндөр хана, ойгоор хүрээлэгдсэн Грейс Филд Хаус дахь өнчин хүүхдүүд гэр бүлийн дор нэг өнөр өтгөн гэр бүл шиг аз жаргалтай амьдарч байна. тэдний хайртай”ээж”Изабелладаа анхаарал халамж тавьдаг. Гэвч орхиж буй бүх өнчин хүүхдүүд хэзээ ч захидал илгээдэггүй, байнга холбоотой байдаг гэдгийг ойлгох үед хамгийн ухаалаг гурван хүүхэд Эмма, Норман, Рэй нар энэ тайван, амар амгалан мэт харагдах асрамжийн газарт илүү олон зүйл байгааг тэд орхиж яваа хүүхдүүдэд юу тохиолдохыг олж мэдэв. асрамжийн газар, ээжийнхээ эрчилсэн зан чанар. Цаг хугацаатай уралдаж байгаа хүүхдүүд амьд үлдэх арга замыг хайж, асрамжийн газраас аль болох хурдан гарах ёстой. Амласан Neverland бол анимэ нийгэмлэгийн хамгийн дуртай аймшгийн кино бөгөөд бид зүгээр л санал нийлэхээс өөр аргагүй юм. Анимэгийн сэтгэл зүйн триллер мөн чанар нь аймшигтай анимэйшн дагалддаг бөгөөд анги бүрээр таныг суудлынхаа ирмэг дээр байлгадаг. Грэйс Филд Хаусын хүүхдүүдийг аюулгүй байлгаж, өндөр хананы гаднах аймшигт үзэгдлүүдийг даван туулахыг бид хүсч байгаа тул энэ нь гайхалтай давуу тал юм.

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=””text=”crunchyroll”url=”https://www.crunchyroll.com/forumtopic-1045527/the-promised-neverland-discussion”]

2. Devilman: Crybaby

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=”ANZX-14231″text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”10″aired=”January 2018″post_id=””]

Devils cannot take form without a living host. But when the host has a strong will to overcome the power of the devil, they make the power their own and become a Devilman. Weak and cowardly Akira Fudou has always had a bleeding heart. So when his childhood friend Ryou Asuka asks for help in uncovering the devils, he accepts without hesitation. But the place they go to is Sabbath: an immoral party of debauchery and degeneracy. Amidst death and bloodshed, the devils possess the people who come, turning them into grotesque monsters. In a reckless attempt to save his best friend, Akira joins a partnership with the devil Amon and becomes a Devilman. But what happens when the Devilman is also a crybaby? Devilman: Crybaby follows a boy with a crybaby heart who becomes a Devilman and gains great power to defeat devils. The anime was beloved by everyone when it came out because of its twisted gore and violence that incorporates the horror elements perfectly. Watching Akira fight with his primeval parts and trying to hold on to his sanity is extremely gripping to watch. We think that this is one anime that definitely deserves to be on your watchlist.

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=””text=”imdb”url=”https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6660498/mediaviewer/rm905008640/”]

1. Higurashi no Naka Koro ni Gou (Higurashi: When They Cry-Gou)

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=”KAXA-7992″text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”24″aired=”October 2020-March 2021″post_id=””]

Rika Furude and her friends live in the small mountain village of Hanamizawa when in June 1983, transfer student Keiichi Maebara joins their little group, making him the only guy in a group of girls. After school, the group has a lot of fun playing games and living life to the fullest together. However, this picturesque setting is distorted when Keiichi realizes that his new friends are hiding secrets from him, especially dark secrets of the town. On the other hand, there is a certain person watching all these unsettling events unfold and has noticed a pattern. Using this knowledge, this person decides to fix the broken worlds but what happens when the variables unexpectedly change and there is only impending tragedy left? Higurashi: When They Cry-Gou, or Higurashi Gou for short, is one hell of a thrill ride for anyone who watches it! This anime has everything you need to be scared out of your wits from gore, thriller, horror (obviously), supernatural, hyper-violence, and more! Higurashi Sotsu, the sequel to Gou and the finale, just ended this season so you can watch the ending of the series! This is the one anime that is going to satisfy everything a person is looking for in a Halloween anime.

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=””text=”twitter”url=”https://twitter.com/higurashi_mei/status/1320977277698613250?s=20″]

Final Thoughts

Some of these titles are spine-chilling and terrifying to watch but that is what we want during Halloween—to be spooked out of our wits. We hope that this watchlist pairs perfectly with your Halloween candies and Jack-O-lanterns. We hope you enjoyed our recommendations! What are you waiting for? Trust us and get started on your Halloween watchlist for October! But before that, let us know your thoughts on our recommendations in the comments below!

[author author_id=”120″author=””translator_id=””] [ad_bottom class=”mt40 mb40″] [en]Original Article Below[/en][es]Versión anterior[/es] [sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=”NEOGDS-138690″text=””url=””]

The “trick-or-treat?” day of the year is getting near, and we bet all of you anime lovers around the world are trying to get in the mood for the scariest Halloween ever! This list was created right to get you all in the Halloween spirit. Beware: these ten shows will send chills down your spine, make you watch your back before going to sleep, or perhaps check under your bed just in case. That’s why we’re sure that these are the perfect anime to watch around Halloween! But if you need even more shows to enjoy the adrenaline rush of the trick-or-treat day, you just need to scroll down and take a look to our previous articles, so we are sure to satisfy everyone’s tastes. Let’s just cut to the chase now, and get all together in the mood for Halloween!

10. Deadman Wonderland

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=”B007IGDSTE”bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”12″aired=”April 2011 – July 2011″post_id=””]

Deadman Wonderland is a prison amusement park and Ganta Igarashi and his classmates go there on a school trip. In the park, the convicts perform dangerous act for the onlookers, but things get nasty when Ganta’s classmates are brutally killed. Some circumstances lead to Ganta being framed for the incident, and as a consequence, he is sentenced to death. A lethal collar is placed on his neck, to threaten his life by the minute. Only by winning prison games he will slow it down and prolong his life. Can you hear Ganta’s collar getting tighter and tighter? We bet you can! This is the atmosphere you get thrown into while watching Deadman Wonderland. Join Ganta, and find yourself cheering for the boy, hoping he will win the prison games and proving his innocence. In a twisted world where he doesn’t know who he can trust, Ganta’s anguish will become yours; this show is bound to keep you with bated breath, wondering what’s going, just like the scariest Halloween night!

9. Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen – Mirai-hen (Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak High School-Future Arc)

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=”B01I9BL6ZO”bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”12″aired=”July 2016 – September 2016″post_id=””]

As all of you probably remember, the first season of Danganronpa ended with Makoto Naegi and the other survivors escaping from Hope’s Peak Academy. Right after, the group joins the so-called Future Foundation, which combats despair. Some circumstances frame Naegi for betrayal, and he ends up arrested. An escalation of unlucky events brings Monokuma once again in front of the survivors, and a new killing game begins. One after the other, his friends and colleagues get killed… it’s Naegi’s turn once again to find out who the killer is! If you enjoyed the chills down your spine while watching the first season of Danganronpa, the fun doubles with Danganronpa 3 – Future Arc – which needs to be watched in conjunction with its Despair Arc – another 12-episode series. The escalation of tragedies here increases, and Naegi will have to face death and desperation once again, while trying to unravel the mystery. Let’s not forget Monokuma: the mechanical, terrifying bear. He is exactly the worst nightmare around the Halloween night!

8. Ajin (Ajin: Demi-Human)

[sourceLink asin=”B01M0HBBR8″asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”13″aired=”January 2016 – April 2016″post_id=””]

Kei Nagai is a high school student who dreams to become a doctor someday. One day, though, his life is turned upside down for good: he gets hit by a truck and dies in front of the bystanders’eyes. Yet one minute later, he comes back to life. Turns out that Kei is an Ajin, a mysterious creature who can’t die. Shocked with the discovery, he runs away helped by Kai, his childhood friend. But Kei needs to choose sides, as a war between human beings and Ajin is about to break out! If you want to spend your Halloween while feeling like you are being chased after, our suggestion is to watch Ajin. Even without too much gore nor splattering of blood, in Ajin we find the main theme of a minority fighting to subjugate human beings, and a protagonist who is constantly chased after because of what he is. This action-packed, adrenaline filled anime will leave you with your mouth open wide: pick it up for the most exciting Halloween ever!

7. Another

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=”KAXA-4602″text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”12″aired=”January 2012 – March 2012″post_id=””]

Kouichi Sakakibara has to move from Tokyo, to Yomiyama and start living with his grandparents. Because of a health problem, he misses the first three weeks of school, but in the hospital, he meets Misaki, a girl with an eye patch. Days later, when Kouichi starts going to school, he realizes that Misaki is one of his classmates, yet nobody seems to see her. Kouichi tries asking the others about her, but no one knows what Kouichi is talking about. Kouichi wants to know the truth, so he decides to get closer to Misaki… Another is so full of mysteries that it will keep you glued to the screen; not only that, there’s an eerie atmosphere, and a lingering feeling that something bad is going to happen any time. And it will, because in Another, the gory scenes will leave you open-mouthed. So, if you are ready for a terrifying Halloween, you really must join Kouichi and solve the mysteries together with him!

6. Mirai Nikki (The Future Diary)

[sourceLink asin=”B005PK0Z7S”asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”26″aired=”October 2011 – April 2012″post_id=””]

When Yukiteru meets the Lord of Time and Space–called Deus Ex Machina–his life drastically changes for the worse. In fact, Deus Ex Machina turns Yukiteru’s phone into a future diary, and throws him into a bloody game where there are other future diary holders. The twelve contestants have to kill each other, and the winner will take Deus Ex Machina’s place. But Yukiteru is not alone in that game, as Yuno Gasai will do her best to protect Yukiteru in the name of love, but there’s a problem: she is a contestant, too. Can he really trust Yuno, or does she have some skeletons in her closet? Mirai Nikki’s protagonist is a weakling: unable to fight, Yukiteru just hides behind Yuno, trembling. How could we blame him? He is just a teenager thrown into a bloody game, where “kill the others” becomes the motto. If you feel ready for the adrenaline rush of a survival anime, to get you in the Halloween spirit, choose Mirai Nikki. Beware, though, as murders, gory scenes, and dramatic turns of events will always be around the corner.

5. Shiki

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=”ANZB-9413″text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”22″aired=”July 2010 – December 2010″post_id=””]

Megumi Shimizu lives in the old-fashioned village of Sotoba, where the villagers keep following the old traditions. She can’t stand them, and her dream is to live in the city, so when a new European mansion is built on the hill, she craves to meet the refined people that live there. Megumi decides to pay them a visit, but she becomes the first victim of an epidemic that rapidly spreads among the villagers. Toshio Ozaki, the village doctor, and Natsuno Yuuki join forces to investigate the deaths… but they must hurry, or Sotoba will become a village of vampires! What’s better than a quiet village turning into a ghost town to jump in the Halloween feeling? If you join Ozaki and Yuuki in their investigation, you are bound to feel chills down your spine together with them. Shiki is a show full of mysteries, equally affecting the viewers and the characters, in a slow-paced escalation of events from the first episode until the last one! It’s the perfect choice if you want to spend your Halloween surrounded by vampires.

4. Tokyo Ghoul

[sourceLink asin=”B00LGK4JX2″asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”12″aired=”July 2014 – September 2014″post_id=””]

Ken Kaneki is a university student, and his weakness is Rize, a seemingly intellectual girl who shares with Kaneki the passion for reading. Their first date, though, turns to a horrible tragedy: actually, Rize is a ghoul, a creature that eats human beings, and she assaults Kaneki. Thanks to some lucky circumstances, though, he manages to survive, but there’s a problem: he is now half a ghoul, and half a human. What will he do when he has to choose sides? Aside from the splattering of blood, the gory scenes, and the ghouls that will throw you all in the Halloween atmosphere immediately, Tokyo Ghoul wields other psychological elements that will work in synergy to make you perceive Kaneki’s loneliness. The anguish of no longer being human, and the desperation of being half a ghoul will distance Kaneki from the people he cares about. Then, when a war between human beings and ghouls will break out, he will have to choose sides… and it won’t be easy, not even for the viewers.

3. Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus (Black Butler: Book of Circus)

[sourceLink asin=”B00NIAOFRI”asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”10″aired=”July 2014 – September 2014″post_id=””]

Noah’s Ark Circus arrives in London, ready to astonish the audience with spectacular stunts made by those considered as rejects, like amputees, dwarfs, giants – Noah’s Ark Circus welcomes them all. Its arrival, though, coincides with children disappearances in the city, and that’s why Ciel Phantomhive – the Queen’s Watchdog – has to begin his investigations. Disguised as rejects, Ciel alongside his devilish butler – Sebastian Michaelis – have to infiltrate the circus… and so the curtain rises, and the horror begins. If the main concept of the circus in the city may be merry, think twice! Because the Noah’s Ark Circus hides a horrific secret, and Ciel is about to unravel the mystery behind the scenes. Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus starts off with a lot of gags–what with Sebastian covering up each and every mistake made by Ciel–but beware, as the rapid escalation of events will unveil a shocking truth. Nothing better than a circus of horror for the Halloween night!

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=”B00M20E5WU”bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=””text=””url=””]

2. Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan)

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=”NEOBK-2133120″text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”25″aired=”April 2013 – September 2013″post_id=””]

In a setting where titans eat human beings out of simple pleasure, the remnants of humanity try to fight them back, while looking for answers to make sense of the situation. Eren Yeager is a young boy, left alone after his mother got devoured by a titan. Seeking some sort of revenge against the titans, he decides to enlist into the Survey Corps – an elite military unit – hoping to fight against them outside the walls. Eren will have to face a lot of difficult situations, until a shocking event will put him in the eye of the storm… Unpredictable, merciless, heartbreaking, and horrific are the words able to shortly describe Shingeki no Kyojin. This is an amazing survival anime, where the viewers cannot predict who’s going to end up eaten by the titans, as the action-packed scenes keep going. A show keeping the audience with bated breath from beginning to end, with a lingering feeling of fear and the dreadful sensation of being watched close by the titans. If the previous shows above weren’t enough to put you in the Halloween spirit, we can safely affirm that Shingeki no Kyojin will!

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=””text=”crunchyroll”url=”http://www.crunchyroll.com/attack-on-titan/episode-25-the-wall-raid-on-stohess-district-3-642211″]

1. Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu (Parasyte-the maxim-)

[sourceLink asin=”B01DEQ97J6″asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”24″aired=”October 2014 – March 2015″post_id=””]

Shinichi Izumi is a plain high school student, with a very normal life and family. It takes just one night to turn his normal life into a mess: a parasite enters his body, but unable to subjugate his brain, it takes the place of his right hand. Shinichi is scared to death; parasites are horrible creatures eating humans, and one of them is now inside his body and announces him whenever another parasite is nearby. What’s more, there’s a strong possibility that if someone should discover his secret, he may become a guinea pig… but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. And so, we end this ranking with a riveting show like Kiseijuu, which is overly appreciated by the fandom! It wields the main concept we find in Tokyo Ghoul and Ajin of a minority trying to subjugate human beings; the struggle to survive we find in Shingeki no Kyojin, Mirai Nikki, and Deadman Wonderland; the mysteries we find in all the other shows of this ranking. Kiseijuu includes all these elements masterfully, and that’s why it deserved our first position. Pick it up to get yourself in the Halloween spirit… or even if you simply want to enjoy a wonderful show.

[sourceLink asin=”B019KDXAFY”asin_jp=””bookwalker_id=””cdj_product_id=””text=””url=””]

Final Thoughts

With Kiseijuu, our list able to put you all in the Halloween spirit came to an end! All these shows share the scary elements that can fit this time of the year. Each of these anime wields that eerie atmosphere that you are looking for during Halloween, and is bound to make you shiver, or even have you covered in cold sweat. Now, we really want to know which one you’ll choose for your perfect Halloween, and if you know other shows that could fit this ranking. Happy Halloween, and see you next time!

[author author_id=”043″author=””translator_id=””] [en]Original Article Below[/en][es]Versión anterior[/es] [hide] [sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=””text=”Official Website”url=”http://king-cr.jp/special/shikabanehime/release_goods.html”] [/hide]


Trying to figure out which shows will get you in the Halloween spirit? Wondering what anime will send a chill down your spine, have you drawing pentagrams, or perhaps you’re more for hiding under your covers? Well, we’ve got you covered no matter what your preference is for the month of October. This list covers the whole gamut. However, there is one creature that this list doesn’t cover and that’s the vampire. If you want the vampire be sure to check out the original list below as that’s where you’ll find your vampire goodness. Without further ado, let’s get into the top shows you should watch for Halloween.

10. Gantz

[sourceLink asin=”B0009PLM7Q”asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”13″aired=”Apr. 2004 – Jun. 2004″]

Gantz, in a nutshell, takes the idea that death is the big sleep and flips that on its head. Instead of peace, you’re getting thrown into a dire game that will push you to your limits. That’s the predicament that Kei Kurono finds himself in as he takes on aliens and robots in a maddening reality. A good chunk of these are not for the lighthearted, but this one in particular gets a red flag. It’s true that life’s no fun without a good scare, but Gantz provides more than just a scare. Brutal deaths that would fit in Mortal Kombat finishing moves are the normal in this show, as well as rape and numerous other acts that represent moral decay. Furthermore, any horror is fair game. Massacre children and the elderly? That’s a-okay in this bloody show. Now, the only aspect lacking in the show was a deep story, but perhaps the upcoming movie, Gantz:0, will give us some interesting narrative.

9. Shikabane Hime: Aka (Corpse Princess)

[sourceLink asin=”B001IAAPKQ”asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”13″aired=”Oct. 2008 – Dec. 2008″]

Makina Hoshimura is murdered and turned into Shikabane Hime, who must kill 108 other corpses in order to reach heaven. Not a very lucky situation, but at least her former friend is a trained priest who can help her out quite a bit. Then again, it’s her friend’s little brother, who gets dragged into the whole situation and is by no means prepared to handle any of these events, that makes everything more difficult for her. Shikabane Hime: Aka handles death in a way similar to Halloween. That is, death can’t get in the way of rocking out. Makina is whipping out dual submachine guns in order to take down the undead, and that’s a good portion of what this show is all about. Action and blood and it does these things in a gory, yet fun manner. It’s really the flick to watch when you just want to see some good old blood and guts.

8. Shisha no Teikoku (The Empire of Corpses)

[sourceLink asin=”B01EMOQSC8″asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”1″aired=”Oct. 2015″]

Shisha no Teikoku puts us into a world where Dr. Frankenstein’s notes have led to the use of human corpses being infused with a fake soul in order to have an eternal labor force. This has led to vast developments for society, and for the most part, the taboo about using such labor is no longer existent. What is concerning though, is when someone tries to return an original soul back to a person’s body. It’s this goal that Dr. John Watson is after, and it’s the reason he ends up as a secret spy being sent around the world. Shisha no Teikoku is a wild ride through a steam punk version of 19th century Europe, and there are two particular things it does right to make it so perfect for Halloween. First off, it takes a lot of literary and movie references and mashes them into one overarching, unbelievable story. This is a key aspect to engage us with characters who correspond with our desire of getting dressed up. After all, a pretty big aspect of Halloween is about getting creative with your costumes if not your entire home. The second part is that zombies exist and they are aggressive and vicious and they provide endless action possibilities. More than just a cue for action, the zombies bring about questions of the human conscious and experimentation, which casts a rather long, dark shadow over the movie.

7. Koutetsujou no Kabaneri (Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress)

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=”B01FW5HREE”text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”12″aired=”Apr. 2016 – Jul. 2016″]

Koutetsujou no Kabaneri came in this year and immediately threw everyone into an apocalyptic dystopian. But hey, it was a steam punk version of the apocalypse, so brownie points are due. Essentially, a virus has spread through the world creating zombie-like creatures, known as Kabane. These monsters have left only a few sanctuaries standing are can only be killed by shots that pierce their hearts, which are surrounded by a steel cage. What makes this anime so perfect for Halloween are two particular things. One is the steam punk nuances, which set up a lot of silver and bronze color schemes. These help flesh out a certain feeling of fall, with everything rusting to a certain extent. The second reason is a bit more obvious. The Kabane are undead creatures who get slaughter and get slaughtered in mass by our top protagonists. Who doesn’t enjoy a good hack and slash during October.

6. Gakkou no Kaidan (Ghost Stories)

[sourceLink asin=”B00HVFA2XC”asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”19″aired=”Oct. 2000 – Mar. 2001″]

Gakkou no Kaidan takes us into a school where a lot of the ghosts in an entire region have been locked inside its old, abandoned building. Hearing quite a few interesting stories about the building, a group of friends decide to trek the halls and see what it’s all about. Well, the rumors turn out to be true as numerous ghosts haunt the halls as well as some darker demons bound deeper within. One of the best things about Gakkou no Kaidan is that you can choose how you want to experience it. You can go for a more haunting thriller or you can go for an off-the-walls parody. This is because the subbed and dubbed versions are completely different. The subbed version follows the more horrifying storyline and actually becomes quite complex and terrifying. The dubbed version is basically an impromptu skit with characters that range from a religious fanatic to a toddler who can’t speak one word. It really is a situation of trick or treat and both have their high points.

5. Yami Shibai (Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories)

[sourceLink asin=”B019KDX9TQ”asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”39″aired=”Jul. 2013 – Apr. 2016″]

Yami Shibai has three seasons worth of incredible and terrifying shorts. Using paper figures for its animation, this anime consistently provides 4-minute episodes of exquisite fright. First off, its style is unique in and of itself and it provides a certain tension built around stillness. That is to say, you are constantly waiting for that shift, that sudden change, that moment that pops out from the overall motionless in the animation style. This, surprisingly, can build up quite powerfully within four minutes. Pushing along that tension is the way a good chunk of the stories are presented. The narrative technique is extremely reminiscent of the ghost stories told around campfires. There’s a slow build up to a frightening realization that you will surely make it difficult to sleep at night.

4. Shin Sekai Yori (From the New World)

[sourceLink asin=”B00JXBLK5G”asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”25″aired=”Sep. 2012 – Mar. 2013″]

Psychokinesis has developed in a small percentage of the world population, and immediately war breaks out. After a long, bloody era, those who possess psychokinetic powers have formed their own separate society that holds a rather thin peace agreement with the rest of humanity. Despite making itself out be a sort of utopia for those with supernatural powers, 12-year-old Saki Watanabe and her friends find themselves on path that proves just the opposite. Shin Sekai Yori is haunting for several reasons. One is because of how seamlessly and smoothly it flips everything on its head, on multiple occasions. It takes five children into adulthood and systematically throughout its 25-episode run has you questioning humanity and morality. There’s nary a moment of relief for our characters as other life forms as well as their closest friends test how well they understand all the facets of life. Second, the show can get quite bloody and there are moments that will leave you in shock. Overall, it’s a fitting narrative for a month that’s all about surprises.

3. Soul Eater

[sourceLink asin=”B002Y0KRES”asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”51″aired=”Apr. 2008 – Mar. 2009″]

Shibusen is an academy that trains Shinigami so that they may create ‘Death Scythes’ to properly battle evil. Now Death Scythes are actually human hybrids, who can transform into a weapon, and are paired with Shinigami in training. Primarily following three teams of Shinigami and their weaponized partners, Soul Eater has viewers chasing down zombies, witches, and so much more. Few anime capture the idea of Halloween as well as Soul Eater. The setting is essentially its own Halloween world with witches, werewolves, zombies, black cats, and a terrifying sun and moon. Despite having a rather toonish quality, the show captures the more haunting aspects with the amount of action and malicious characters that set up the major conflicts throughout its run. So yeah, it’s not as spooky as other shows on this list, but it does many other things that speak to Halloween. The most prominent of those, outside of the setting, is the sense of adventure that it imparts. Similar to that first Halloween on your own, this world is yours to explore in depth.

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=”B00FYHPHL6″text=””url=””]

2. Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl)

[sourceLink asin=”B0014567UC”asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”52″aired=”Oct. 2005 – Apr. 2007″]

Hell Girl offers you the chance to get revenge on anyone. All you need to do is input the person’s name into the website Jigoku Tsuushin (Hell Correspondence). Admittedly, the girl behind the website, the one who ferries these unlucky people into Hell, must take a personal interest in your story to take on the request. Oh, and if all goes as you hope, then you will be sent to hell when your natural life comes to an end. Terrifying, complex, and riveting; it’s extremely difficult to find a show that can compare with Hell Girl. Yes, there are shows that offer perhaps a more terrifying experience, or programs with deeper narratives, but few combine every aspect as well Studio Deen did with this masterpiece. From its real-world harassment to its hellbent mazes, there’s consistently a sense of terror or paranoia at the very least. Initially, it’s always clear who the victim is, but once punishment is doled out, a punishment of eternal damnation, questions rise. Can revenge ever be seen as justice is one of the main ones. Though you might often feel a sense of justice being served when a bully/attacker is being punished, you can never forget that the victim is now destined to hell as well. Everything has a cost and nothing is as clear cut as it should be in this world.

[sourceLink asin=””asin_jp=”B000KG5EX2″text=””url=””]

1. Kara no Kyoukai (Garden of Sinners)

[sourceLink asin=”B0040QE5N8″asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”7″aired=”Dec. 2007 – Aug. 2009″]

Leading the foray against the forces that wish to disturb the city is the demon hunter, detective Shiki Ryougi. Now, Shiki has incredible endurance, agility, and strength. She is quite capable of dispatching a horde of undead or even spirit like beings, especially when in possession of a katana. However, what sets her above and beyond most if not every single being in her universe is her innate ability “Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.” This power allows her to see lines of death; and when she cuts along those lines, she can obliterate any object as well as even concepts and ideas. This series of movies take us into Mifune City, where an agency known as Garan no Dou takes on cases of supernatural origin. One of its top detectives is Shiki Ryougi, who has the power to see lines of death and if she cuts those lines, she can destroy anything, even an idea. Now, she gets mixed up with Mikiya Kokutou as both of them are trying to get to the bottom of a sudden series of deaths that occurred within Mifune City. This show has so many things going for it. First off, its animation is absolutely gorgeous and the fight scenes are impeccable. Second, its characters are intriguing and dynamic, whether they are the heroes or the villains. Finally, the narrative is complex and rewarding to follow as it takes you through countless twists. Now, all of that dictates a good show, but what about it makes it so perfect for Halloween? Well, for starters, there’s a ton of supernatural aspects that would make anyone of the persuasion to draw a pentagram extremely excited. Demons, mystic eyes, zombies, time travel, and so much more are incorporated into the story. More importantly, the narrative is one that truly haunts and sticks with you. The situations it handles border on the disturbed as humans are used in horrific experimentations that test the idea of fate. Oh, and it’s not afraid to splash some blood about either.

[sourceLink asin=”B0040QE5NI”asin_jp=””text=””url=””]

Final Thoughts:

It’s October people and these are the shows that just have that have that extra factor of spookiness or gore that just fit this season so well. Each of them is guaranteed to send a shiver down your spine at some point. The only real question is if you are going to sparse them out over the entire month or binge them in an extremely short period of time. The secondary question to that is, do you feel that any other shows capture the spirit of Halloween better than the ones listed?

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Anime is amazing. There literally has to be an anime for every single season and every occasion imaginable. Sure, there are some that suit a bill more than others; school life, drama, romance, action. How about holidays though? Some shows recently have had Halloween episodes but how about shows where the entire world lives in perpetual Halloween? What about a show that will make your skin crawl as it’s just a little bit too creepy? How does it sound if a show is so psychologically terrifying that it can keep up with the horror flicks that you see on the silver screen?

Well, welcome to this list! It will give you shows that will either get you in the mood for Halloween or set the mood. Be it through fear, Halloween elements, or just plain horror, these shows will take you on a journey to prepare for when Halloween finally comes towards the end of the year!

10. Soul Eater

[sourceLink asin=”B004W75BRO”asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”51″aired=”April 2008 – March 2009″]

Soul Eater rolls in at #10 for good reason. Soul Eater sets up Halloween elements perfectly. Death gods, angry evil beings, the sun and the moon are creepy, etc. Soul Eater is a great start to this list because it’s not scary like terrifying per se, but it shows the viewer what the world would be like with death gods, witches and the like. Soul Eater is a very entertaining watch through and through, and I think you’ll enjoy it greatly to get you in the mood for Halloween.

Soul Eater follows three weapon meisters and their human weapons. The goal is to make a death scythe, the ultimate weapon, by eating 99 evil human souls as well as 1 witch soul. Shown in pairs with their weapons, the students enrolled in Death Weapon Meister Academy as they train to become the Ultimate Shinigami!(Death god!)

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9. Highschool of the Dead

[sourceLink asin=”B004SGWYW4″asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”12″aired=”July 2010 – September 2010″]

It seems that you really can’t have a scary show anymore without zombies or some form of undead creature. That being said, Highschool of the Dead is another great spooky show that is a little more high on the adrenaline than the fear, but it still brings plenty of zombies, so that’s why I have entered it in at #9!

What if you woke up one day, came to school, and suddenly 99% of the student body were zombies looking to eat you? Well, I’d panic and bounce. Unfortunately though, for a group of students and the school nurse, they are trapped on the roof of the school. With nothing left to do, they must fight their way out, killing former classmates in the process to survive. Once outside, there is nothing different. Zombies are now wandering around trying to kill them as well. Panicked and scared, they must now try to find safety while escaping the horrors of a zombie invasion

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8. Paranoia Agent

[sourceLink asin=”B000EYJEI6″asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”13″aired=”February 2004 – May 2004″]

Paranoia Agent isn’t so much bloody or adventurous as the other two. Paranoia Agent is a psychological thriller. What’s really disturbing, among many things in this show is the harsh animation. It will go from being very bright, to very dark quickly so you have to pay attention. Paranoia Agent is not as psychologically disturbing as a few more further down on this list, but it’s still a great show to give you the chills in preparation for Halloween. Be sure to watch it in the dark!

Paranoia Agent is about “lil slugger” or”Shonen Bat”, a boy who mysteriously travels around on golden skates with a bent golden bat. What does he do with it? He assaults people. As more and more people are being targeted, two detectives try to step in, at their own peril, to solve the mystery behind lil slugger and get to the bottom of all these attacks before anyone else is attacked and loses their sanity in the process.

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7. Kakurenbo: Hide & Seek

[sourceLink asin=”B000A7BQXI”asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”1″aired=”September 2004″]

Kakurenbo rolls in at #7 here, and for good reason. It’s actually a very short film but it’s perfect in the way it’s set up. To put things bluntly; it’s creepy. Full of suspense, this is another anime that’s great to watch at night and in the dark. Kakurenbo is also a perfect metaphor. Let me know in the comments if you know what it’s about!

Kakurenbo follows a game in an abandoned city. What kind of game you ask? Well, it’s kinda like… capture the flag meets hide and seek. It’s called Otokoyo which means manhunt in English. There’s one problem though, the teams are those playing the game in the old, abandoned city itself. The longer you play the game, the more the city starts to fight back. Can these children survive long enough to win?

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6. Tokyo Ghoul

[sourceLink asin=”B00VVQD80Q”asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”12″aired=”July 2014 – September 2014″]

I know I know. Put down your pitchforks. You thought that Tokyo Ghoul would be lower. Well on some lists yes, but for Halloween, this show rolls in at number six. What puts Tokyo Ghoul here is obviously the horror element as well as the blood, violence and fighting. At times being quite graphic for a show that aired on TV, Tokyo Ghoul is a great show for Halloween.

Kaneki was an ordinary college student, but one day, he is attacked by a very deadly and powerful ghoul, Rize. Somehow killing her and surviving, the doctors take parts of Rize, since she dies, and puts them into Kaneki. They did not know that she was a Ghoul. Now when Kaneki wakes up, he can no longer eat normal food. The sight of it makes his stomach curl. What does he crave? Human flesh and Blood. The show takes off from there introducing new characters who are also Ghouls that teach him how to live and blend into society. Яагаад? Because he cannot be found out for fear of what might happen.

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5. Higurashi no Naku koro ni (When They Cry) ((And all subsequent seasons))

[sourceLink asin=”B00INI6HP8″asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”26″aired=”April 2006 – September 2006″]

Higurashi has to be one of the scariest shows I have ever seen in my life. It was positively terrifying to watch. However, at the same time, it’s a gigantic puzzle that requires you to watch to the very end to understand everything fully. It’s perfect for Halloween because this show has gore, horror, and above all else, it’s psychologically disturbing. Paranoia Agent is like dipping your toe into a pool to see if it’s cold. Higurashi is like throwing yourself into the Arctic Ocean.

Higurashi starts out with Keiichi Maebara, who had just moved to the small town of Hinamizawa (Based on a real city in Japan! Look up Shirakawa-go!). Life seems to be adjusting well for him in his small school where he gets along well with his classmates. In fact, so well, they form a club together and play games. One day, the games stop being fun. People start getting hurt. Someone’s coming for Keiichi. Just when it looks like it’s over for him, the season resets? Part of the way through, the story resets and now it’s told from another person’s perspective. But things are different this time. What’s going on?? What’s happening?? Keep watching to find out.

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4. Vampire Hunter D

[sourceLink asin=”B00004Y7JH”asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”1 (Movie)”aired=”December 1985″]

Where would Halloween be without a good Vampire flick? No I’m not talking about that ridiculous one where the guys sparkle and have on way too much makeup! I’m talking about REAL Vampires! It’s got the whole post-apocalyptic thing which is usually more zombie friendly. To make sure that the film doesn’t get too dry, it also has a great upheaval that happens as well! This film is quite dated (now almost 30 years ago) but it easily stands on it’s own as a great way to get you hyped up for Halloween!

10,000 years into the future, society as we know it has collapsed. What has happened you say? Well, monsters now exist freely attacking people. It’s a throwback to centuries old living and how the people survive. They are ruled over by a merciless vampire count. When he takes a girl as his own and bites her, she hired the help of a passing traveler named D. Well, D just happens to be the best vampire hunter in all of the world and takes up her task. You will not be disappointed with this movie!

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3. Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl)

[sourceLink asin=”B005DR63GA”asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”26″aired=”October 2005 – April 2006″]

Jigoku Shoujo rolls in at number three. I mean come on, the show has the word hell in it. It’s perfect for Halloween. Full of murder, betrayal, voodoo, curses and definitely some mentally unstable people, Jigoku Shoujo is perfect for Halloween! Plus, not to mention, you see Hell a lot which exists in a permanent Halloween type setting!

Have you ever hated someone to the point where it consumed you? Maybe they were a bully. Maybe they are a former friend. Maybe they just did you wrong and you have never been able to get beyond that. Well, I have good, and maybe potentially bad, news for you. If you access a website called Hell correspondence at midnight with a heart full of revenge, you’re able to call upon Hell Girl. What does she do? She will offer to take the person that you hate the most to Hell immediately. This comes at a price, and you’ll have to watch it to see what that price is!

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2. Blood+

[sourceLink asin=”B00171PANS”asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”50″aired=”October 2005 – September 2006″]

Blood + is another show that’s perfect for Halloween. Яагаад чи асуув? Well it has monsters. It’s got vampires. There is suspense as well as some of the worst heartbreak that you can imagine. Families are destroyed. People are destroyed. Plus, the title has “blood” in it. What’s not to love?

In Blood+ exist these creatures called Chiropterans, who can transform their bodies into the form of a human being. Why is this dangerous? Because they hunt and kill people. There’s a special Organization called the Red Shield, who protect humans from these monsters as well as hunting them down and exterminate them. Saya was just an ordinary high school girl until one day, she loses an entire year of her life. It’s just gone in an instant and she can’t remember anything. Her family is torn away from her in the most heartbreaking manner possible, and now she’s out for revenge.

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1. Hellsing Ultimate

[sourceLink asin=”B001EBGO36″asin_jp=””text=””url=””] [Information episodes=”10″aired=”February 2006 – December 2012″]

Hellsing Ultimate is number one on my list! Yes, that’s right, it’s Hellsing Ultimate! It’s the perfect show for Halloween! It’s got vampires, zombies, Nazis (eww gross), ghouls, fighting, horror, psychotic priests, blood, and everything in between. Өө! Don’t forget the undead skeleton army either. If there was ever a perfect show to watch for Halloween, it would be this show hands down. It’s creepy, dark, and violent. Perfect for a Halloween slasher, wouldn’t you say?

Hellsing is the name of a secret British organization that keeps the people safe from vampires and other dark creatures of the night. Hellsing is run by Integra Wingates Hellsing, a normal human being. So how does she protect everyone? She has a deep, deep dark secret. She has the world’s greatest Vampire Exterminator at hand, Alucard. Oh, and he’s a vampire too! After receiving a protégé, Seras Victoria, they serve the Hellsing organization.

However, the monsters are getting braver, darker, and more violent. An ancient war is brewing and the Hellsing organization is going to need everything they can, maybe even borrowing from hell itself, to fight back…

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Whew! We did it again! Here we are at the end of another list! This time though, it’s for Halloween! I hope that you can see everything on this list before Halloween arrives. Maybe you’ll even spook yourself in the process!

Some honorable mentions that I do want to throw out are, Boogiepop Phantom, xxxHOLiC, Serial Experiments Lain and Ghost Hunt. Please check them out for various different and interesting stories! Is there anything you would have changed? Let me know below!

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Cloud Strife дууны жүжигчин Такахиро Сакурай эхнэрээ хуурсан

Final Fantasy VII киноны Cloud Strife-ийн дүрээр алдаршсан дуучин Такахиро Сакурай хууран мэхэлсэн гэдгээ илчилсэн. эхнэртээ арав гаруй жил. Нөгөө эмэгтэй нь Сакурайгийн”P.S.”радио шоуны зохиолч”A-ko”юм. Гэнки Десу. Такахиро.” Түүнийг аль хэдийн гэрлэсэн гэж тэр төсөөлөөгүй байв. [Баярлалаа, Yahoo!]

Сакурай радио харуулах “P.S. Гэнки Десу. Такахиро” есөн жилийн хугацаагаа саяхан дуусгалаа. А-ко Сакурайтай радио нэвтрүүлэгт оролцож байсан бөгөөд сүүлийн ангийн бичлэг эхлэхээс өмнө л түүний гэрлэлтийн талаар сонссон. Цочрол нь маш их байсан тул тэр бичгийн бизнесээ орхисон. Yahoo-ийн мэдээлснээр тэр мэдээг сонсоод яаралтай тусламжийн өрөөнд очсон байна.

Сакурайгийн хэвлэлийн төлөөлөгч нөхцөл байдалд уучлалт гуйсан гэж мэдэгджээ. Хэвлэлийн төлөөлөгч Сакүрайгийн эхнэртэй хараахан уулзаагүй байна. Гэсэн хэдий ч хэвлэлийн төлөөлөгч Сакурай болсон явдалд буруутай гэж үзэж байгаа гэж мэдэгджээ. Тэрээр А-ко-д цаашид ямар нэгэн асуудал үүсгэхийг хүсэхгүй байгаагаа удаа дараа мэдэгдэж байсан.

Сакурай олон жилийн турш үр бүтээлтэй ажил хийж байсан. Үүлээс гадна түүний гол дүрд гол дүрд нь”Ace of Diamond”киноны Казуя Миюки,”Jujutsu Kaisen”киноны Сугуру Гето,”Mob Psycho 100″киноны Рейген Аратака зэрэг багтжээ. Тэрээр мөн JoJo-ийн”Хачирхалтай адал явдал”кинонд Рохан Кишибэгийн дүрийг бүтээсэн.

Сакурай эхнэрээ хуурсан тул түүний карьер юу болох нь тодорхойгүй байна. Тацухиса Сүзүкигийн харилцаа задрахад, тэр завсарлага авсан. Гэвч Дайсүкэ Намикавагийн харилцаа илчлэгдэх үед тэрээр дуурийн жүжигчний карьераа завсарлалгүй үргэлжлүүлсэн.