Harem Animeにはさまざまな形と方法があります。一部はそのecchi要素で知られていますが、他の人は気分が悪くなることがあります。あなたが何に引き寄せられても、Harem Animeは常にあなたに提供するものを持っているジャンルです。
まあ、あなたが何年もアニメウォッチャーである場合、ショーはもちろん誰にも知られていません。しかし、それでもあなたが新しいなら、このジャンルはあなたにとって新しいものかもしれません(しかし、私はそれを非常に疑います)。それは絶対的なクラシックであり、このハーレムのジャンルで非常によく販売されているショーの1つであるため、それを見始めると決して忘れられないことは決してありません。 Hyoudou、私たちの主人公に加えて、彼はPervです。悲しいことに、彼は彼の人生で女の子とデートしたことはありませんでしたが、彼がそれのためにチャンスを得ると、彼はそれに飛び乗って刺されて死にました。はい、あなたはそれを正しく読みます。私はそれが多くのことを知っていることを知っていますが、彼がイセカイの世界に送られなかったことを心配しないでください。
2。 tenchi muyo
Tenchi Muyoは、最も過小評価されているハーレムショーの1つであり、最も古い宝石の1つです私たちのリスト。そして、このアニメの最大の部分は、実際に私たちの主人公のためにハーレムを作成することです。ヒーローが最終的に彼の人生の残りを生きるために一人の女の子のために行く他の人とは異なります。彼のハーレムを置き去りにします。
Tenchi Muyoの物語は、宇宙船が私たちの主人公であるTenchi Masakiの祖父に属する神社にcrash落します。
3。 Haganai:
ライブは確実に陽気なショーです。ショーは不自然なものと存在でいっぱいで、ユーモラスなストーリーラインとキャラクターの完璧なブレンドを提供するファンタジーと現実のミックスです。ストーリーは、私たちのかわいいメインの主人公であるIthuka Shidoから始まります。彼が高校にいたとき。
5。 ruを愛する:
Ecchi Shows。このシリーズは、そのコミックタイミングとかわいい女の子のキャラクターがすべてショーで同じ男のために落ちることで人気があります。典型的なハーレムのアニメのように。
モンスタームスメは人気の大人のハーレムの1つであり、大人と言うことによって、このショーは18歳未満のファン向けではないという意味です。ショーにはあちこちに大人のものがありますが、それでもなお、Binge Watchには本当に良いショーです。
Zeroのおなじみの物語私たちのMCが別の世界に転送されるIsekaiショーのように始まります。まあ、しかしこのショーでは、私たちのかわいいMC、Saito Hiragaは、事故だけで別の魔法の世界に召喚されました。はい、あなたはそれを正しく読みます。
yamadaクンと7人の魔女は、強烈な良いストーリーラインを持つ最高のハーレムの1つです。ショーには、コメディと素晴らしいアニメーションの両方のバランスがあります。そして、最も重要な詳細の1つは、私たちのMCがちょっと延期されているように見えるが、実際には彼は彼が誤解されているだけではなく、男の子を含む美しい女の子でいっぱいのハーレムを持っていることです。 BLではないことを心配しないでください。
ハーレムのジャンルですが、驚くべきストーリーラインと超自然的なテーマを称賛されています。そして、あなたがハーレムの最高のプロットとヒンチを持つショーを探している人なら、これはあなたの路地にすぐに行きます。私たちのMC、3年生の高校の少年であるKoyomi Araragiは、彼にとってあまり良くない女の子を助けていることに気づきます。
2。 saekano:
Saekanoの物語は、主人公の主人公であるTomoya Akiを中心に展開します。アニメを見て、軽い小説を読んでください。基本的に彼はハードコアのオタクであり、私たちのリストで最も市場性のあるMCの1つになります。
3。世界の神は次のことを知っています。 ORG%2F2000%2FSVG%22%20Viewbox%3D%220%200%20960%201200%22%20Width%3D%3D%22960%22%20ハイト%3D%221200%22%3E%3C%2FSVG%3E”>
ハーレムショー絶対的な傑作。一流のアニメーション、キャラクター、音楽があり、その上にも最高のロマンチックなシーンのいくつかがあります。このショーは、私たちのリストで最も賢いMCの1つであるKeima Katsuragiを中心に展開します。KeimaKatsuragiは、本物の女の子には興味がありませんが、彼のスキルはデートシミュレーションゲームで最大になります。
5。 danmachi:
これは私のお気に入りのハーレムショーであり、それはあなたの普通のアニメではありません。 MCをfawる女の子のことですが、このショーでは、それを見るために本当にあなたを引っ掛けることができる実際のプロットがあります。神と人間が野生の獣でいっぱいのダンジョンに共存する世界に住むことは本当に難しいです。私たちの甘くて罪のないヒーローであるベル・クレーネルは、彼が彼のグループの保護者であるため、可能な限り彼の能力を高めようとしています。
7。 Quintessential Quintuplets:
高校のdxd&date liveがこのサブジャンルの最前線にあります。それがあなたに興味を持っているものであるなら、ここに私たちが推奨する最高のタイトルのいくつかがあります:
1。 Mahou Sensei Negima:
これは古典的なハーレムショーの1つであり、作られた古典的なハーレムショーの1つです。魔法使いの上に、ファンタジーの世界に設定されています。皮肉なことに、わずか10歳のMc Negi Springfieldは、ショーで彼自身のハーレムを持っています。私はあなたがショックを受けなければならないことを知っていますが、彼はアッシュケッチャムのようではなく、ポケモントレーナーになりたいと思っていますが、マスターウィザードになりたいと思っています。
2。 Tsugumomo:
3。 sekirei:
港のセキレイは、セキレイプランの第2段階と呼ばれる大きな戦いにあります。彼らが住んでいる都市はshintou teitoが閉鎖されているので、誰も戦いから逃げることができず、誰も戦いまで街を出ることができません。ルールが変更されました。しかし、Sekireiの一部はパートナーに非常に恋をしているので、ゲームを失うことを意味していても、そもそも戦いたくありません。
4。 Saber Marionette J:
Saber Marionette Jは、それにも深刻なトーンを持っています。ハーレムショーですが。アニメは、地球が人口と賑わっており、もはや生きるスペースがない将来に設定されています。
剣の戦いから、ショーはあなたのためだけです。物語は、奇妙な出会いのために最も強い吸血鬼に変わる普通の高校の少年であるkojou akatsukiから始まります。今、彼の街の誰もが彼に会うことに興奮しています。
彼の力は本当に並外れていますが、それも危険です。それで、ライオン・キングの組織である彼のチェックを維持するために、ライオン・キングの組織は、変化を報告し、都市の残虐行為を引き起こすのを止めるために彼の近くにとどまるために彼の近くにとどまるために彼の近くにとどまるYukina Himeragiを送ります。
6。 Trinity Seven:
Trinity Sevenは完全なファンタジー、すべてが痛くなる世界です、太陽が赤に変わるとき。私たちのヒーローであるアラタ・カスガは騒ぎを生き延び、彼の世界は彼の友人の一人であるヒジリによって救われました。彼は彼女の魔法の本を使って世界を再現します。リリス・アサミという名前の邪悪なキャラクターに入ります。リリス・アサミは、カスガにその魔法の本を渡すように警告します。リリスから身を救うために、彼は名誉ある魔法の学校名であるロイヤル・ビブリア・アカデミーに入学しました。
注:ハーレムのジャンルのほとんどのアニメにはロマンスがあります。上記のすべてのサブジャンル(アクションを除く)のアニメをチェックしてください。あなたのロマンス愛好家は失望することはありません! nisekoi:
物語は、私たちのヤクザ家の相続人である私たちのMCライフ、Raku Ichijouを囲んでいます。しかし、私はそのような仕事に関与しようとしました。彼が子供の頃、彼は女の子に何かを約束し、彼女がペンダントを置き去りにして鍵を取りました。
さて、彼はまだ約束した女の子を探しているが、ショーで最もかわいい女の子、小胞子onoderaに恋をしているが、彼のラブストーリーが始まる前に何かが起こったかもしれない彼の人生を永遠に変えました。 To know that you have to watch the show!
2. Love Hina!
Love Hina is a typical harem show with five beautiful girls but with an interesting love angle to it. The show is a masterpiece in its genre and often seen to be forgotten by many.
The story revolves around Keitaro Urashima, who has promised a girl in his childhood that they will meet at University when they will be young 。 Sadly, that promise remained promise forever because Keitaro was not able to crack the entrance exam for getting admission in University.
The only option he was left with was to visit his grandma dormitory that was changed into a girls hostel and he soon changed to manager of his girls hostel that has five girls in total with only one boy.
3. Amagami SS:
A show that will definitely give you hope to give a second chance to your love life. Yes, you read that right.
The story of Amagami SS revolves around Junichi Tachibana, who has been dumped on Christmas Eve during his date and has lost all his confidence to date anyone again.
But soon his life changes and he gets full fledged of harem of girl that are really in love with him that includes, Haruka Morishima, who is energetic and one of most popular girl, Kaoru Tanamachi, who is basically his childhood friend, who loves him; Sae Nakata, a introvert new student; Ai Nanasaki, a girl, who loves to swim and is present in swimming team who didn’t like him at beginning; Rihoko Sakurai, his childhood friend who loves sweets things; and Tsukasa Ayatsuji, a perfect class representative with a hidden side that are needed to explore.
Now, Junichi is hoping to get the love of life till the next Christmas Eve amongst them.
4. Couple of Cuckoos:
As the name suggests, Couple of Cuckoos is a story based on children that were swapped with their parents on their birth. Yes, you read that right!
The story starts with Nagi and Erika, two completely different people one who is a brilliant student and another who is a popular social media influencer but their life turned upside down when they got the news that they got swapped when they were born.
Now, to make things right their parents are trying to force them to get engaged, which according to them will solve their problem.
But obviously both rejected these absurd proposals. But unlike other parents they are not backing off and will go ahead with their plans and for more you have to watch the show.
5. Rent A Girlfriend:
I really doubt that someone has not heard of this show because nevertheless it’s one of most popular shows on our list. It really created a lot of rumours and debate around the fans, consisting of some of the cutest waifus in the show.
The show begins with our MC, Kazuya getting dumped by his beautiful girlfriend Mami. It was so sudden that he ain’t realised that she was just using him for fun. After getting dumped so badly he rented a cutest girlfriend online name Chizuru, who turns out to be really sweet but even though Kazuya without trusting her gave him bad ratings.
One day, when he was visiting grandma in the hospital he found Chizuru to be there as well and without explanation his grandma thought she was his girlfriend.
As the story goes their relationship grows complicated because Kazuya is still in love with his ex.
6. Rosario + Vampire:
Rosario + Vampire is easily the best harem show and has the best main characters and vampire setting overall. If you are big fans of Vampire plus a badass female Vampire then this show is just for you.
The show starts with Tsukune Aono, who finally gets admission in high school because he was getting one and his parents without even realising admitted him in all devil schools where being human means death. Yes, humans are allowed in Youkai Academy.
On his first day of school he meets Moka Akashiya, the prettiest and cutest girl in school, and decides to be with her to get to know her better. But soon he realises that she is not an ordinary girl but a dangerous vampire who is obsessed with his blood.
Now it’s on Tsukune, whether to be with her in the academy by hiding the fact that he is human or run away to the human world. You will get a chance to see many mysterious devils in girl form and if you are fan of good harem shows then this is just for you.
7. Oresuki:
Oresuki is one of the funniest romance harem shows. Well, imagine a guy who had got two proposals from one of the cutest girls from the show but then when they were about to confess their love, they tell him that they’re in love with your best friend. Shocking right? I bet it is!
That is what happens with our wannabe cool protagonist, Amatsuyu “Jouro” Kisaragi. After this incident he realised that he was at fault for acting all sweet and nice to get attention from girls. And now he is responsible for getting these girls love of their life.
As the show goes there are many characters and of course, a hottest girl, Sumireko “Pansy” Sanshokuin, who is in love with our protagonist. To know more you need to check out this one. Definitely a binge worthy show if you are harem lover.
8. Masamune Kun’s Revenge:
This romance harem show is a bit twisted and I mean it. It’s not just your normal romance show but a revenge story converts into a romance but for that you have to wait for long.
Because our protagonist, Masamune, is really obsessed with taking revenge on this girl, Aki, who is renowned to be a Cruel Princess. But why does he want revenge on one of the prettiest girls in his school?
Well, in his childhood she brutally rejected him and broke his heart just because he was fat. And now after getting well trained he is ready to take revenge from a girl who becomes his heart.
He wants to fall in love with him and when she is totally in control, he eventually rejects her to give the taste of his own medicine. The show is full of ups and downs but a must watch for sure!
Best Comedy Harem Anime:
When I talk about the comedy harem genre, I think I should specify that it is more like brainless comedy and laughter genre. Haganai and Hayate: The Combat Butler are two comedy harems that have a good plot and manage to be witty.
The ones I am listing below will definitely require you to forego logic and just enjoy the anime without thinking too much into it. Laugh, that’s it. Just laugh!
1. Setokai No Ichizon:
Imagine, a guy who’s only dream is to have fun in high school, yes I know it’s pretty normal but the catch is he thinks being student council can literally change his life because girls often find students council cool. And it will be fun but in reality it’s the opposite.
To be in the student council you should be in top, like the score should be A1 and after a lot of work our protagonist Ken gets in the student council.
But the scenario is that girls in student council are not even a bit involved in romantic stuff and have no interest in him and are just working hard for school stuff.
Nevertheless, our protagonist never loses hope and keeps on trying to fulfil his dreams.
2. Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka:
Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka is about a girl named Ayumu who has turned into a zombie because someone has killed him and now he is a zombie finding a way to find his killer. On top of that , because he is a zombie he can’t be dead again because he is already dead.
One day, he meets a girl named Haruna who is beating up a bear with a chainsaw and wearing a magical girls dress. He accidentally absorbs all her abilities.
In return for its powers she asks him to fight a monster named Megalo and that’s how our zombie protagonist journey starts, which is full of ups and downs.
3. Girlfriend, Girlfriend:
The plot of Girlfriend, Girlfriend is really twisted and complex because obviously imagine you have a crush on a girl for a long time, you gather up your courage and confess your love to her. Luckily she accepts it and you promised her to make her happy but then another confesses you too.
Obviously you will reject her and keep your relationship pure and simple but now our main protagonist, Naoya, accepts the feeling of the second girl, Nagisa and suggests his girlfriend, Saki, that we should all try and date together and on top of that she accepts. I know top notch fiction it’s far from reality.
Please try this because it’s risky.If you don’t use logic then this show can really make you laugh and smile because it’s definitely one of the best shows in comedy harem.
4。 Heaven’s Lost Property:
A show based on angels. Yes, after seeing so many anime about cute, sexy and hot high school girls now it’s time for some sweet Angel harem. And don’t worry, they are just normal girls with wings so it’s totally normal.
The story starts with Tomoki Sakurai, our (pervert) MC, who always wakes up crying since he was young. He says that he gets an angel and the last thing he remembers is that he is crying when he wakes up.
His childhood friend Sohara Mitsuki is worried for him and asks help from a genuine person, who is studying about the Sky that is still a mystery for many scientists. Eishirou Sugata.
They all from club to find out mystery behind this dreams and sky and one day when Tomoki near the Sky he saw a angel coming out of it and calling him, master. Being clueless he takes her home.
Now, the only thing left is to solve the mystery of the Sky and angel. Will they be able to do that? To know this you have to watch the show!
5. Outbreak Company:
This anime is a dream come true for every otaku in the world 。 Imagine you have been transported to another fantasy world, where you have been given duty to spread your knowledge on anime, gaming and everything related to otaku culture. How will you feel? Amazing right? And that’s what happens in this show!
Our hero, Shinichi Kanou is a typical shut-in otaku, who had been given a chance to spread the knowledge of otaku culture in that world and on top of that he was authorised by the Japanese government themselves and now we call living the best life.
Furthermore, if you think he is alone in this mission then you are absolutely wrong my friend. He got a half elf maid and Princess Petralka on his side to help him to do his work.
Best Light-hearted, and Wholesome harem anime
Can Harem anime be wholesome and lighthearted? Well, yes they definitely can. Quintessential Quintuplets and Bokuben already qualify as some pretty good wholesome harem anime. Since we already mentioned it, let’s take a look at others which make the cut!
1. The Cafe Terrace & Its Goddesses:
The Cafe Terrace & Its Goddesses is a delightful show and if you are bored of seeing action, adventure and any other genre then this wholesome treat will make your day.
The story starts with a cafe that was well maintained by Hayato’s grandma Sachiko. But unfortunately she is not alive to keep the cafe alive.
Soon Hayato after completing his studies from Tokyo arrives at this cafe just to sell it as he no longer needs this cafe but to his surprise he finds five girls, Ouka, Akane, Riho, Shiragiku, and Ami staying there, who seem to be taking care of the place and seems really close to Sachiko.
Therefore they don’t want to leave the place and are struggling to convince him to think otherwise. Soon enough he gets ready to take on the challenge to bring back the cafe as it was and ask all of them to help him to revive this special place again.
2. Bokuben:
The plot of Bokuben may seem quite similar to Quintessential but there’s a catch in this show: girls are interested to study because they want to but they find it hard to pick through subjects. The story begins with Nariyuki Yuiga, who is not financially stable to get admission in college even though he is genuine in high school and gets top grades in all subjects.
To get in college he needs a scholarship from his highschool and his principal agrees to give him what he desire but only one condition that he will tutor, three smartest students of the school, Rizu Ogata, who’s amazing at maths but interested in studying humanities, Fumino Furuhashi, who’s genuine at literature but desire to study science, and last but not the least, Nariyuki’s own friend Uruka Takemoto, who’s best at sports but not good at anything else.
He agrees to help and now it’s up to him how will make subjects easier for them to study and make them best at what they desire to be.
3. 100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Love You:
After seeing Rent a girlfriend, Girlfriend Girlfriend now it’s time to talk about 100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Love You. Yes, this time, it’s not one, two, our five girls harem but it’s 100 girls in one show.
I know the title does sound off but don’t worry the show is not that bad in fact it has sweet and heartwarming moments that are worth a watch!
The story starts with Rentarou Aijou, who had confessed his feelings to a girl but he has been rejected for the 100th time.
Getting sad over his rejection he visits a shrine that is known for its power for finding a love. He wishes to get a girlfriend and to his surprise a shrine God appears in front of him granting him a wish to get 100 girlfriends!
At first it seemed to be a joke but suddenly he got two people confessing him to be his girlfriend, Hakari Hanazono and Karane Inda.
Sadly, he can’t reject any girl because if he rejects any girl they will die. So, our kind hearted hero accepts everyone’s feelings and has shown progress. He gets 100s of girls in his family.
4. Tenpuru:
I recently started watching this show and it’s also got a new season this year. So, if you feel sad after completing any of the shows, don’t worry because this is the season for it and you can definitely watch it at your own pace.
The story revolves, Akemitsu Akagami, a high school, who was treated badly because his family reputation was degraded because of the rumours that they chase women. Not following his family tradition he decided to dedicate his life to study but unfortunately he falls in love with a girl and to clear his mind he decided to be a monk.
He visited a shrine but turned out to be a girl dormitory and as he was about to leave the place, girls found that his father had taken huge sums of money from them and never returned and now he has to stay there and serve them until his debt is clear.
5. Oreshura:
Well, the plot of Oreshura is quite similar to Tenpuru, like in this show同じように。 Our hero, Eita Kido wanted to focus on studies as well and had no interest in getting involved in love and romance things because his parents had just divorced and he was living with his aunt.
The only thing in his life left is to get admission in medical College but before it could happen he gots proposal from Masuzu Natsukawa and she told him that she is in love with him. They get together but here is a twist that Eita’s childhood friend Chiwa Harusaki doesn’t trust Masuzu and doesn’t want Eita to date her.
Eventually they break up and now Masuzu is trying to bring Chiwa and Eita together but this time Eita is in love with Masuzu. So, he confesses his love to her and finally now they are together. Happy Ending!
Finally, we come to an end of this long listicle of “Best harem shows of all times” and we hope you enjoyed reading it. Don’t forget to check out the awesome show mentioned in the article and do let us know your views and share your favourite harem show as well!!