Game sebelumnya hanya diumumkan untuk Switch
Situs web resmi untuk Mahō Tsukai Bushiroad No Yome: Seika No Maboroshi ke Yumemiru Tabiji (Bride Muinting, Muinting Munon, The Novel, The Viewi, The Viewing, Novel Viewing, The Viual Novel, The Viual Novel, The View Novel, The Visual Novel, yang didasarkan pada Kore Yamazaki. Video ini mengungkapkan bahwa game akan dirilis pada 2 Oktober, dan juga akan memiliki rilis di PlayStation 5 dan PC melalui Steam, di samping rilis sakelar yang sebelumnya Annnouncing. Situs ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa gim ini akan memiliki opsi bahasa Inggris.
Yamazaki launched the The Ancient Magus’Bride manga in Mag Garden’s Monthly Comic Blade magazine in 2013, but the magazine ceased publication in September 2014. The manga then Pindah ke majalah Comic Garden bulanan penerbit. Yamazaki ended the manga’s”Gakuin”(College) arc as the manga went on hiatus in March 2023. The manga launched its new”Shishigari”(Beast Hunting, previously announced with the title”Kemono”) arc when it resumed in December 2023. The manga moved to Bushiroad Works’Comic Growl (formerly Comic Bushiroad Web) manga website with the resumption. Bushiroad menggunakan terjemahan AI dengan mantra untuk merilis manga secara bersamaan dalam bahasa Inggris dan Jepang.
Bushiroad akan menerbitkan volume buku yang dikompilasi ke-22 manga pada 8 April.
Tujuh Seas hiburan yang dipublikasikan dengan Manga. several spinoff manga and supplement books in the series.
The main manga’s first animated adaptation was the The Ancient Magus’Bride: Those Awaiting a Star OVA in 2017, followed by the first television anime season that premiered in Japan in 2017, the three-episode The Ancient Magus’Bride-The Boy from the West and the Knight of the Blue Storm OAD from 2021 to 2022, and then the second television anime season that premiered in April 2023. The second season’s second half premiered in October 2023.
Source: Mahō Tsukai no Yome: Seika no Maboroshi to Yumemiru Tabiji visual novel’s website via