Anime Central (ACEN)-tapahtuman henkilökunta ilmoitti maanantaina, että tämän vuoden kokous isännöi ääninäyttelijää Eriko Nakamuraa.

Nakamura tunnetaan roolistaan ​​Haruka Amamina Idolm@Ster-franchising-ohjelmassa. She has performed in theme songs for numerous series across the franchise and has also performed in stage events and live concerts.

Her past roles include Mikage Kiryuu in the Space Battleship Yamato 2199 series and subsequent sequels, Chisato Sumiyoshi in Love, Elections, and Chocolate, Beatrice “Lilium” Anastasi in the game Freedom Wars and Freedom Wars Remastered, Belgium from Hetalia-Axis Powers ja monet muut.

Categories: Anime News