參議院第20章本來設定了2025年9月1日,,根據Texas House of Dictivations offictics offictics offictics officent officent and sage of law to law the law the Law the Laws of the texas。
The bill, which seeks to amend Chapter 43 of the Texas Penal Code by adding Section 43.235, defines an offense as knowingly possessing, accessing with intent to view, or promoting obscene視覺材料包含一種描述,即“似乎是一個年輕的18歲兒童,參與了第43.21(a)(1)(b)條所述的活動”。第43.21(a)(1)(b)節所描述的活動是指s*xual行為的描述。
, with penalties escalating to a third-degree felony for one prior conviction and a second-degree felony for two or more prior convictions for similar offenses.
This broad definition has raised concerns within the anime, manga, and gaming communities, as many popular series feature characters who are depicted as being under the age of 18.
Depending on how Texas立法者解釋了與這些虛構的描述有關的“淫穢”一詞,廣泛的內容可能屬於該法律的權限。 德克薩斯州法律中“淫穢材料”的定義包括整體上缺乏嚴肅的文學,藝術,政治和科學價值的材料。
幾個流行的動漫和漫畫系列都以性格解釋,例如強度My Dress-up Darling) if the bill eventually becomes a law.
The unanimous passage in the Senate suggests a strong bipartisan support for the bill’s intent to protect children, but the potential implications for consumers of Japanese animation and comics remain a significant point of concern and discussion.