Shueisha的Shonen Jump+平台宣布了Tsurun Hatomune,Kuu Tanaka和Akima,Mononobu,Kartsotsu以及Waka Oshiishi的Navigatoria系列的末尾。 The platform will publish the final chapter of the series on March 16.
Hatomune (Mitama Security: Spirit Busters, Service Wars) launched a new”science-fiction daily life gag”series Chuck Beans (ZIpper Beans) on March 2.
Image via www.shonenjump.com
Kuu Tanaka (The Vertical World) and Akima (Shojo Null) will launch the Hitokui Mansion to Oya no Maison (The Human-Eating Apartment Complex and The Landlord’s Home) series about”the last apartment complex on Earth”on March 7.
Image via x.com
Mononobu launched the Dribble Nukko Āshi-chan (Ashi Dribbles Through) manga on March 3. MangaPlus is publishing the series in English.
Image via www.shonenjump.com
Kamentotsu (Morris: Tsuno ga Haeta Neko no Bōken, Baby Bear’s Bakery) will launch the Kowaiya-san manga on March 26.
Image via x.com
Waka Oshiishi’s Navigatoria manga will end with the final chapter on March 16.
Shueisha’s MangaPlus publishes the series in English and describes the story:
Enter a world where the First Space War has ended, and Earth has claimed its first extraterrestrial colony.馬納布·霍奧(Manabu Houo)是一個出生於極權國家的男孩,他在與童年的朋友希娜·昌(Hina-chan)一起看禁忌電影時發現了他唯一的喜悅。但是,有一天回到家後,他發現一群政府官員在等他…?觀看這部激動人心的科幻學校戲劇在遙遠的星球上展開!
oshiishi在2024年2月在Shueisha的Shonen Jump+平台上啟動了該系列。Shueisha在9月4日發行了第二本書3769429622“ target=“ _ black”> shonen jump+(帳戶