通過 webtoon娛樂 SXSW會議和Fast Company的年度The Grill在SXSW舉行的小組。 Executives from WEBTOON Entertainment and Wattpad WEBTOON Studios will participate in discussions about the influence of fandom on global entertainment.

On March 9, Aron Levitz, President of Wattpad WEBTOON Studios and Co-President of Wattpad, will join executives from Crunchyroll and Weverse at Fast Company’s panel titled”The Business of Belonging: Tapping Into the Power of Fandom.”面板將在CDAR Door Patio Bar&Grill的CDT上午10:15-10:45進行。討論將集中於公司如何建立和維護忠實的粉絲Webtoon的伙伴關係將與Rakuten Viki和Dive Studios一起,參加一個名為“維持狂熱者:為什麼K-Entertainment在這裡留在這裡”的小組。由福布斯的里賈納·金(Regina Kim)領導的會議將於下午11:30至下午12:30舉行。 CDT在奧斯丁會議中心17AB。 The panel will explore the sustained popularity of Korean entertainment, including K-dramas, K-pop, and webcomics.

Source: WEBTOON Entertainment’s press release

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