通過 webtoon娛樂
On March 9, Aron Levitz, President of Wattpad WEBTOON Studios and Co-President of Wattpad, will join executives from Crunchyroll and Weverse at Fast Company’s panel titled”The Business of Belonging: Tapping Into the Power of Fandom.”面板將在CDAR Door Patio Bar&Grill的CDT上午10:15-10:45進行。討論將集中於公司如何建立和維護忠實的粉絲Webtoon的伙伴關係將與Rakuten Viki和Dive Studios一起,參加一個名為“維持狂熱者:為什麼K-Entertainment在這裡留在這裡”的小組。由福布斯的里賈納·金(Regina Kim)領導的會議將於下午11:30至下午12:30舉行。 CDT在奧斯丁會議中心17AB。 The panel will explore the sustained popularity of Korean entertainment, including K-dramas, K-pop, and webcomics.
Source: WEBTOON Entertainment’s press release