Titan Manga releases 2nd compiled volume in English on December 30 Image courtesy of Titan Manga
© Kenji Hamada, Akita Publishing, Titan Manga
Titan Manga announced on Tuesday that it will release Kenji Hamada’s Gran Familia in English on September 30. The company will release the second compiled volume of the manga on December 30. The first volume is available for pre-order on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books A Million, and Forbidden Planet.
Titan Manga describes the first volume:
Leo, the young heir to the Grand Familia, dreams of a future where both humans and demi-humans can coexist peacefully.但是,當敵對派系之間發生暴力的草皮戰爭時,兩個世界之間的脆弱和平就破壞了,獅子座陷入危險的衝突,可能會對所有參與的每個人造成毀滅性的後果。當獅子座努力應對他強大的家庭和自己的理想的遺產時,他必鬚麵對一個充滿背叛,不斷變化的寓言和道德困境的世界。在混亂中,獅子座面臨著最緊迫的問題:可以真正實現和平,還是戰爭是不可避免的生存價格?
hamada 3月202日在3月202日在Akita Shotly Shotly shotly shotly shotly shotly shotly shotly shote P> Hamada於2024年1月推出了Shueisha’s Tonari No Young跳躍的正在進行的Ponta Ga Hito Ni Ni Ni Ni ni Niimashita漫畫。