Roku Sakura的April陣雨的官方網站帶來了五月花(Busu ni hanataba o)漫畫,週五開放,揭示了動漫的電視格式,7月的首次亮相,完整的員工,主要演員,預告片,視覺效果和預告片促銷視頻。在“ width=“ 424”高度=“ 600”>通過©作楽ロク/kadokawa/ブスに花束を。製作委員會
Mirai Minato(Hokkaido Gals是超級可愛的! Miwa Ōshima (Baka and Test-Summon the Beasts, Koihime Musō) is designing the characters with Beat as the sub-character designer, and Yuki Hayashi (My Hero AcadeKaren, Haikyu!!) and Shōgo Yamashiro (My Hero AcadeKaren: Vigilantes) are composing the music.
Other staff members include:
Sakura launched the manga in Kadokawa’s Monthly Young Ace in April 2016, and ended it in September 2022. Kadokawa published the manga’s 12th and final compiled book volume in November 2022.
Yen Press is publishing the manga in English, and it describes the series:
Pessimistic high school student Hana Tabata doesn’t believe her life could ever be like that of a heroine from the shoujo manga she reads—she’s convinced she’s ugly, and she’s always alone.儘管如此,當她一大早換上鮮花時,她還是不禁會想像自己是一位領導女士……直到她被英俊的同學烏索·烏諾諾(Yousuke ueno)抓住了這一行為! Hana can’t wrap her head around his kind words at first, but as they grow closer, she finds her life slowly beginning to change…
Sakura will launch a new”special edition”series for the manga in the April issue of Monthly Young Ace on March 4.
Sources: April Showers Bring May Flowers anime’s website, Comic Natalie
Disclosure: Kadokawa World Entertainment (KWE), a wholly owned subsidiary of Kadokawa Corporation, is the majority owner of Anime News Network, LLC.本文提到的一家公司是Kadokawa集團公司的一部分。