Aquaplus在周四將其1997年的《心臟視覺小說/約會SIM卡》(Heart Visual Nove/Dating Sim)遊戲翻拍,推出了新的促銷視頻。同時,Shiravune宣布將發布英文版本的翻拍。該視頻揭示了遊戲的6月26日發布日期,Shiravune將於6月25日(或6月26日取決於時區)以英語發布遊戲。 Shiravune正在播放遊戲的宣傳視頻的英文版本。 The video features a new version of the game’s original opening song”Feeling Heart”by YURiKA (originally performed by Nakatsukasa Masami in the PSX version of the game, and the 1999 television anime).

The below video by AQUAPLUS shows a comparison between the 1999 opening and the new remake opening, entirely recreated.

Image courtesy of ShiravuneShiravune’s release of the game will also feature Chinese as well as English.該版本將是遊戲有史以來的首次官方國際翻譯。該遊戲還將允許玩家在底部文本框中顯示一條或兩行文本之間(所謂的“ adv”呈現日語),或者在圖形上覆蓋了多行文本(所謂的“日語中的“ NVL”演示),如原始遊戲中。

Matsubara(最初由Mayumi Iizuka配音)和ShōgoSakata作為主人公Hiroyuki Fujita(在原始遊戲中未唱歌,但由動漫中的KazuyaIchijō演講)。先前宣布的演員包括Kana Ichinose飾演Akari Kamigishi和Hina Yomiya(又有Multi(Ayako Kawasumi之前),此前曾為Akari表達了Akari,而Yui Horie此前曾表達Multi)。該遊戲允許玩家隨時在原始語音和新語音之間切換。

遊戲的網站指出,該遊戲將在Switch和Steam上具有下載版本,以及Switch上的常規物理版。該遊戲還將在Switch和Steam上發行高級版本,其中包括該遊戲1999年電視動漫改編的所有13集。 Shiravune的英語版本沒有提到與動漫一起使用高級版。

Aquaplus於1997年在PC上的Windows for PC上發行了《 To Heart Visual Novil》,後來在1999年在PlayStation上發布了該公司的首個遊戲機遊戲(儘管這兩個版本都有許多重大的繪圖差異)。視覺小說/約會SIM卡在流派中被稱為經典,其角色設計和輕鬆的節奏影響了此後的許多宅男媒體。 Notably, the character of Multi is known by Japanese otaku as a hallmark of moe character design and writing, with her spirited attitude and cute demeanor contrasting with her sad fate.

The game inspired a television anime in 1999, as well as a second season focusing on Multi titled ToHeart-Remember my memories in 2004. The game received the sequel game To Heart 2 in 2004, which itself inspired a television anime in 2005, as well as numerous OVAs and spinoff games in subsequent years.

Sources: Press release, To Heart remake’s website

Categories: Anime News